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Dr. Peter Buss

Co-Founder, President and Head of philConsultancy

Peter brings 35 years of experience in the non-profit philanthropic sector. He is founder of the award-winning print and online magazine The Philanthropist and of StiftungSchweiz – an industry-leading Swiss platform dedicated to philanthropic commitment. As well as penning many other notable publications and papers, Peter’s book: Fundraising - Fundamentals, System and Strategic Planning is widely considered a seminal work in the field of modern philanthropy. 


Peter is also the co-founder of the Zurich Philanthropy Roundtables and has a wide experience in consulting for NPOs. 


After more than 700 commissioned mandates and a commitment to solutions through the digitalisation of philanthropy, his focus today is on making Philalia a sector leader in bringing together the various stakeholders in the world of philanthropy.

Doctor of Law, Dipl. NPO Manager, VMI. 


Peter currently resides in Basel, Switzerland with his wife, Anne-Marie and he enjoys cooking home-made pizzas for his large family. 

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